Yacht Delivery to Assist Owner and Crew
A long standing customer of Seaway asked us to assist him and his crew to deliver his yacht from Milford Haven, Wales to Largs, Scotland. Onboard a very nice Comfortina 42 yacht, Simon Phillips met the owner and crew onboard in Wales.
The weather forecast was a NW to W wind of force 4-5. This meant we would be upwind sailing for a lot of the way, while heading north out of the Irish Sea. Our first stop was Ardglass in Northern Ireland, a very picturesque small fishing port and marina. A brief overnight stop here enabled a good rest for all crew after what was a tiring upwind sail.
From Ardglass we sailed to Loch Ryan. A pleasant anchorage just off the Stranraer sailing club. The following morning the spinnaker was hoisted and we were sailing along steadily with the wind behind us. Sailing passed the island of Ailsa Craig, known worldwide for being one of the largest breeding colonies for Gannets, and also for its granite used for the curling stones in the sport of curling. Watching the Gannets all around and high above us was spectacular. Soon after passing Ailsa Craig the wind decreased to around 3-5 knots from astern, so the spinnaker was taken down and the engine was started. Picking up a mooring in Lamlash for the evening provided fantastic views of the very picturesque scenery.
The following morning, sailing off the mooring, we made our way to Largs via the Kyles of Bute where we picked up a mooring for lunch, another very beautiful area.
The weather for this trip could not have been better, although very cold to start with, it never rained once while we were in Scotland! A very nice delivery trip to assist the owner.
I would highly recommend cruising the west coast of Scotland for its beautiful scenery and sheltered waters. However, it does need to be sunny and settled, so a watchful eye on theweather is a must!
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